By: Elaine Atkin, Head of Humanities
On Monday, Year 5 and four members of staff visited Kentwell Hall for their Michaelmas recreation. There was much excitement as everyone arrived at school in their Tudor dress – some rich and some poor!
We started the day by exchanging our ‘coin’ into Tudor grotes and explaining to the guards that we did not carry the plague, in the hope that they would let us into the hall. We were then allowed in and spent the afternoon experiencing all aspects of Tudor life. We were taught a dance and a song and learnt about the workings of the kitchens and the dairy. Afterwards, we were entertained by a village Alchemist living in the woods and were allowed to taste the apples from the walled gardens. The day ended with some hard work as pupils and staff were asked to help chop the wood for the Masters in Kentwell Hall but nobody accepted the offer to become an apprentice to the woodsman for the next seven years!
A great day was had by all.