As part of their studies of both Islam and Christianity in Humanities, Year 6, accompanied by Mr Reynell, Miss De Podesta, Mr Loveridge and Mr Finbow went to visit both Norwich Mosque and Norwich Anglican Cathedral on Tuesday.
We set off from Brandeston full of excitement and were met at Norwich Cathedral by our guides Janet, Lindsay and Mary. After an informative talks we were split into two groups and were taken on two wonderful tours, learning about the beautiful 900 year old Norwich Cathedral, hearing Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments, and finding out more about the history of the Cathedral and about Christian symbolism.
After lunch we travelled to Norwich Ihsan Mosque and were greeted with a with warm reception at the Moque by Tariq, who is the Mu’addin (calls people to prayer). Tariq told the children all about his faith and beliefs and explained to the children about the 5 pillars of Islam. We then had the amazing experience of being in the mosque during afternoon prayers. Tariq then invited the children to ask him questions. Almost an hour later, our boys and girls had thrilled Tariq with a bombarment of questions and impressed him with their knowledge.
Again our guides were incredibly complimentary about the boys and girls (as was the Dean of Norwich Cathedral) and as we journeyed back to Brandeston, listening to the children discussing the day, it was clear that they had had a most wonderful time in Norwich.