On Saturday 18 November the College held its first Sixth Form Subject Fair which has been hailed a huge success after welcoming over 200 visitors.
Choosing which subjects to take post GCSEs can be a confusing and overwhelming time for teens. The event aimed to support all those considering Sixth Form study at the College, make informed choices regarding the next steps in their education.
As well as having the opportunity to chat one-on-one with academic staff and current Year 12 and 13 pupils, the aspiring Sixth Formers, and many of their parents, participated in a wide range of subject activities across the College for a taste of Sixth Form study – from plotting laser graphs and extracting lactose in the Science labs, examining World War 2 artifacts in the History classrooms, and exploring the wonderful artwork from our current D&T, Art, Textile and Photography pupils.
Talking about the College’s comprehensive ‘Transition to Sixth Form’ programme, Katy Williams, Deputy Head of Sixth Form, said: “The purpose of our subject fair is to guide and support both pupils and parents – whether current or new to the school – in making informed post-sixteen choices. Unapologetically focused on academic options, our subject fair is the next stage for pupils considering Sixth Form for 2024, and we were delighted to welcome well over 200 parents and pupils to this engaging and informative experience.
“Giving pupils and their parents the chance to investigate and consciously consider which learning pathway and academic subjects might be best for them, brings huge reassurance to everyone – especially when they can talk directly to our Sixth Form pupils and gain first hand perspectives on specific subject study.
“Personal highlights for me were seeing pupils going in open-mindedly into curriculum areas they previously hadn’t considered, and it was fantastic to see parents getting involved in the activities as much as their children; the curiosity, the engagement and the laughter was wonderful to witness.
“We look forward to the next stage of the programme – a Taster Day in early 2024 where pupils can immerse themselves in Sixth Form style lessons. It’s another fantastic opportunity for pupils to learn more about what best suits them academically and build their own individual future pathway.”
Click here to discover more about Sixth Form life at Framlingham College.