To mark Mental Health Awareness Week, May 13th – May 17th, the Senior School Wellbeing Ambassadors launched their own pupil focused Wellbeing Book, alongside a special series of Wellbeing Podcasts.  

Driven by Wellbeing Prefect, Amy B, and the passionate mental health advocates of the school community, the pupil driven project was created to offer support to current and future pupils, showcase pupil voice and helping to break the stigma around mental health.  

“Wellbeing has always been very important to me”, says Amy.  “I have often found myself looking through hundreds of websites and YouTube videos, with the aim of finding techniques to better understand what I can do to look after my personal wellbeing.  

Our aim for this book was to compile some of this knowledge and showcase the Wellbeing Ambassadors’ values to create a completely pupil driven guide – which I hope other pupils will reach for in times of support, guidance or inspiration.”  

Working with the Wellbeing Ambassadors, Amy presented the idea of a book designed with a friendly conversational tone and would include topics that are most important and relevant to teens today.  

“The book explores lots of different topics – including mental health, physical wellbeing and wellbeing techniques – but it is also packed with fun tutorials like mug cake recipes and meditation for pupils to try in their Houses”, Amy explains. “Many of the topics in the book are close to both mine and the Wellbeing Ambassador’s hearts, with one ambassador writing about the joy they get from music, and another who detailed the benefits of yoga with poses that pupils can try.  

“Alongside activity inspiration, the book provides important information about anxiety and depression, addressing the misconceptions – such as the difference between mental health and mental illness – and signs to look out for in others so we can open the conversation and break stigma around mental health.” 

The book, titled ‘Looking After your Wellbeing’, was handed out to pupils (and staff) at the start of Mental Health Awareness Week which also coincided with the start of A-Level exam season – a pinnacle time for pupils to ensure that they feel supported.  

“This guide was important to create as it not only demonstrates our passion for pupil driven projects, but also as an example for new and current pupils that wellbeing is valued here at Framlingham College”, says Amy. “I hope that this book will showcase the power of pupil voice and inspire others that if you are passionate about something and want to make some change, it is possible. Our mental health should be an open conversation so we can support others and learn wellbeing techniques which will help us into adulthood.” 

Elsewhere across the Senior School, green ribbons were given out to pupils and staff to show support, and over in the library we had a featured book display of works by wellbeing authors and specialist psychologists. At the Prep School, the week began with a ‘Move for Mental Health’ initiative with walks around the grounds, outdoor exploration, and sports at the forefront of the week. Prep School pupils also raised awareness by wearing their brightest piece of green clothing.  

Alongside the Wellbeing Book, this week we also released a special wellbeing podcast series featuring five episodes hosted by clinical psychologist, Emmeline Gwaspari and our Deputy Head of Pastoral, Oliver Lloyd. The pair were joined by a variety of pupils from across the school throughout the daily episodes, covering everything from adolescent anxiety to stress and grief, with the aim to offer support and raise awareness of teenage wellbeing. 

Listen to our Wellbeing Podcast Series here.

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