As part of our Rugby Centenary Celebrations, it was incredible to host our inaugural Rugby 7s Tournament on Sunday March 16 to close the 100th year of rugby at Framlingham College.
Welcoming our friends from nine other surrounding schools, including Ipswich School, The Campion School, Norwich School, Finborough School, Gresham’s, Impington Village School, St Joseph’s College, Ipswich RFC, The Coopers’ Company & Coborn School, the U18s and U16s teams battled it out for the Plate, Cup and Champion trophies.
Principal, Louise North, said: “We were delighted to host the Centenary Rugby 7s Tournament at Framlingham College, and extend a warm welcome to all schools and supporting parents.
“Rugby goes from strength to strength here at the College, and we were delighted to have so many players here from so many schools to share in our love for the game. We had no doubt today that we would see some fantastic rugby, but as importantly, some great team spirit, mutual support and camaraderie. Sport has the magic to bring people together and we hope that our 7s tournament was a celebration of exactly that.
“Our thanks go to our grounds staff for preparing the pitches, to our Head of Rugby, Will Cotterill, for organising the event and to our Director of Sport, Chris Gange.”
Will Cotterill, Head of Rugby at Framlingham College, said: “As part of our Centenary Rugby Celebrations, we are so proud to host the Inaugural Framlingham College Rugby 7s Tournament. Rugby 7s has exploded in popularity since its inclusion in the Olympics, and for good reason – it’s fast, intense, and highly skillful. This format demands exceptional fitness, sharp decision-making, and creative play, making it a fantastic game for young athletes to play and improve their rugby development.
“A huge thank you to all the staff, volunteers, and departments who have worked tirelessly to bring this tournament to life, and to the competing schools, players, parents, and supporters for being part of this special day. I hope everyone has had a fantastic experience and that rugby is the winner of the day.”
Captain of the Senior 1st rugby team, Felix L, said: “It has been a huge privilege to be Captain of the 1st XV and 1st VII on this Centenary Year. Our season has been full of memories which I will remember for years to come, such as the Centenary Match against Ipswich RFC which saw hundreds of pupils, staff and OFs come out and support the team to celebrate 100 years of rugby at Framlingham College. I hope everyone enjoyed the 7s Tournament and that it can happen every year going forward.”
Vice-Captain, Dan G, said: “What a great season to end our final year! I was honoured to be made Vice-Captain of the Centenary Season which has led to Felix and I having to step out of our comfort zone, talking on interviews from BBC Suffolk, the Framlingham College Podcast and multiple posts through social media.
“Each part of this season has added to how special it is not only for us as players but for the school as well. Playing your last year of schoolboy rugby is always going to be a memorable one, but I’m thankful to say I did it surrounded by boys that I get on so well with.
“The leadership from Mr. Cotterill, Mr. Greenhall, and Mr. Leonard has brought us all together and has been an important factor in our successful season. We are looking to continue this success into the 7s season and to have our own tournament hosted at the College is very special.”
A message from Toby Trinder, Old Framlinghamian and England U20:
“My time with rugby at Framlingham College consisted of two brilliant years in Year 9 and Year 10 followed by playing in the 1st team from Year 11 onwards. I was lucky enough to Captain the school in Year 12, and one of my favourite memories include being a 15-year-old in Year 11 and being able to play up with Sixth Formers, adjusting to the speed and physicality of the game.
“The great thing about coming through the school years as a team is, by the time you’re all in the final year, you’ve spent five years together playing with your mates, so the togetherness and bond you have with the rest of the team is like no other.
“I’d like to wish everyone an enjoyable day of rugby. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of big tackles and tries scored – all the best to the Framlingham boys especially!”