Our incredible Prep School pupils transported audiences to 1920 New York for our Upper Prep School Production of Bugsy Malone.

Inspired by the musical from Paul Williams, our incredible Year 6 – 8 pupils showcased two sold-out shows of slapstick comedy, musical theatre and wise-guy antics to parents, pupils and the school community on March 13 and 14.

Set in our Senor School Headmaster Porter Theatre, the musical opens with Bugsy Malone (played by William A). a wise-guy who’s neither completely honest nor a crook, as he ushers us through his neighbourhood where three murders have just happened. Bugsy winds up at the local speakeasy, owned by gangster boss Fat Sam (played by Wilf W) with our cast bursting into our opening big-band number of “Fat Sam’s Grand Slam”.

Turns out, one of those murdered was one of Fat Sam’s best henchmen. Enraged, Fat Sam, vows revenge on Dandy Dan (played by Bay L) who orchestrated the hit.

Meanwhile, Bugsy’s been courting Blousy Brown (played by Anoushka D) the new girl in town who’s come to audition for Fat Sam’s club; but Fat Sam won’t give her an audition.

Fat Sam and his girl, Tallulah (played by Millie M) are preparing to go out on the town. Fizzy the janitor (played by Persey T) also wants to perform at Fat Sam’s and sings about the ever-elusive chance to audition with a solo of “Tomorrow”.

Fat Sam and his gang are getting nervous about Dandy Dan’s new initiative, with a hilarious performance of “Bad Guys”. Fat Sam fears his gang is behind the times and they need to upgrade their weapons. Upon retrieving new guns, however, Fat Sam’s gang is wiped out in a trap.

Back at the club, Blousey performs an incredible solo of “I’m Feeling Fine” after being constantly let down by Bugsy when he drops her for a $200 job offer from Fat Sam to drive him to his meeting with Dandy Dan. Bugsy tries to reconcile with a very angry Blousey, but Blousey is unconvinced, until Bugsy offers to take her to Hollywood now that he’s made some money, and an excited Blousey accepts.

While Blousey is waiting at the train station for Bugsy, he is jumped and his $200 is stolen. Due to this, Bugsy decides to delay the trip and he tells Blousey that Hollywood’s going to have to wait. Blousey is heartbroken, performing another stunning solo of “Ordinary Fool”.  She returns to Fat Sam’s as Bugsy enlists the help of Leroy, a wanna-be boxer (played by Thomas B) to take care of Dandy Dan once and for all.

They arrive at the centre of Dan’s gun running operation only to find they are severely outnumbered. They come across a group of “down and outs” waiting in a soup line. Together, Bugsy and Leroy convince them to be their ad-hoc army to distract the guards and storm the warehouse only to be surrounded by the police. Fortunately, they find a secret escape and they leave the police (played by William S and Orlando W) scratching their heads and holding their hats. They arrive back to Fat Sam’s just in time for the show down with Dandy Dan’s gang.

Bugsy presents Blousey with her their two tickets to Hollywood before Dan and his henchman arrive, and the stage explodes into a slap-stick battle of silly string gun-fire and custard pies to the face as they defend Sam’s club, with the entire cast closing the show with a wonderful rendition of “You Give A Little Love”.

Congratulations to all our cast members and a huge thank you to all our theatre staff and to the drama department for organising a fantastic show!

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