Senior School

Years 9 – 11: ESL is offered instead of mainstream English where we feel the pupil might not cope with the English (subject) curriculum. They receive 6 lessons a week as part of their normal timetable.

Years 12 & 13: ESL is offered as an additional subject for those needing to get an English language qualification for university entry, or they simply want a certificate to take home at the end of their tenure with us. We provide 2 lessons a week and these are slotted into the pupils’ timetables during their study periods.

Additional lessons: If a pupil wants one-to-one lessons, the department will endeavour to provide this. One-to-one lessons will be approximately £30 per lesson.

Prep School

Reception – Year 8:

For overseas pupils joining the Prep School, they would follow the same curriculum as the rest of their peers.  Where necessary, additional ESL support can be provided to further boost their language skills.

All Prep School pupils are encouraged to read as much as possible; this greatly benefits our overseas pupils by enhancing their vocabulary and helping them gain a better understanding of the different English language structures.

The Head of ESL

Jamie MacKenzie

Having been born in Bahrain to a Scottish Father and Japanese mother, and after living all over the world, Jamie MacKenzie is a truly international teacher of English as a Second Language (ESL) here at Framlingham College.

Jamie went to boarding school himself, in Edinburgh, before going on to study history at Manchester University. He later travelled to Japan to teach English to Japanese pupils in Tokyo, before being offered a permanent post at an independent school in Scotland, where he took his PGCE as a history teacher.

One of Jamie’s key responsibilities here at the College is offering pastoral care to international pupils in his role as Overseas Pupils’ Coordinator. Part of the Framlingham College experience for overseas boarders is being placed in a house and integrating with other pupils with a range of backgrounds, and Jamie supports this by holding regular meetings with individual pupils to ensure they feel at home.

In his spare time, Jamie coaches hockey and cricket here at the school and likes to keep active in the gym. He currently lives with his young family in Framlingham so is always on hand to help overseas pupils develop their language skills and feel supported in the Framlingham College environment.

As is to be expected, Jamie loves to travel. He is adamant that his love of travel helps him in his work as first-hand knowledge of different cultures enables him to understand the motivations and expectations of different pupils. It also aids him in identifying areas where some pupils might find adjusting to life in Britain more challenging.

Jamie says his passion for education and seeing pupils develop their English, as well as their confidence, is what drives him. He believes the beautiful natural setting of Framlingham College, as well as it’s progressive outlook, is what makes it such an exceptional place for overseas students to gain a first class education.

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