Year 3 have been studying the Ancient Egyptians in History and to cement our learning we spent the day celebrating all things Egyptian.
The children arrived at school in the most fabulous costumes; we had an array of pharaohs, ladies, slaves and the God Anubis. Mrs Cullum made a particularly dashing Cleopatra. All outfits were enhanced by the Mrs Wilson’s face painting and by the wonderful necklaces the pupils had made.
The pupils spent the day doing a variety of activities. The morning was taken up with discovering the story of Howard Carter and Tutankhamun. Pupils acted as modern day historians to piece together different sources of evidence. Sessions in Egyptian dancing and Egyptian cooking and food tasting kept the pupils very busy. The highlight of the day performing the choreographed Egyptian dancing to Years 2, 4 and 6.
A great day was had by all and it is definitely an event that will become a permanent fixture in the Year 3 annual calendar!