By: Elaine Atkin, Head of Humanities (FCPS)
On Friday 6th October 2017, one of our parents came into school to share some fascinating and insightful knowledge with Year 7, ahead of completing their own Remembrance research projects after half term. Pupils have selected a relative or family friend who was involved in some way in World War I or World War II. Mr Alabaster works in the RAF and has a keen interest in this field. In the presentation, he talked about some interesting characters from both the world wars – both local, national and international.
The pupils learnt that over 250 Old Framlinghamians (OFs) had given their lives fighting for their country. The presentation helped the pupils to understand the avenues of research that they could pursue and gave links to specific websites that may be of interest. Year 7 responded with maturity and asked sensible and useful questions throughout. Their own research projects will be coming into school the week after half term and we hope to have some on display in time for Remembrance Day on 11th November. Many thanks to Mr Alabaster for his time and expertise.