The Centre is pleased to be able to offer a host of new fitness support to help you achieve your mental and physical health goals.
Gym Inductions
Price: FREE
Duration: 45min/60min approx
A gym induction is a free 1-1 walk through of all gym equipment across our 4 gym rooms. Our trainer will include health and safety of the site, sign in/out procedures as well as first aid and emergency exit routes whilst using our facility. The induction will also cover the use of all pieces of gym equipment (cardio and resistance machines), where you will be shown the setup/safety of the machines, changing settings as well as technique to ensure you are using the equipment correctly relevant to your fitness goals. The aim of the induction is to ensure every member of Framlingham College Sports Centre has the confidence of stepping into the gym knowing how each piece of equipment works and how they can best use our gym to support their fitness goals.
*Gym inductions are only available to current members of Framlingham College Sports Centre, or new members looking to join a membership. Prior to the induction, members must complete a PARQ form and gym inductions are not available for non- members of Framlingham College Sports Centre.
1:1 Personal Training Support and Personalised Programme
Price: £35 for members, £45 non members
Duration: 60 minutes
Not sure where to start in the gym to meet your goals? Wanting advice & faster results? Lacking motivation? Choosing a 1-on-1 personal training session allows you to work with our trainers to build a customised training regime that will ensure you meet your own personal fitness goals. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase your endurance or simply enhance your physical capability we will help you make it happen.
After the initial consultation sessions can be booked once per week, fortnightly, once per month – whatever suits your budget. Prior to your first Personal Training session a free 30-minute consultation will take place to find out more about your fitness goals and completing a health questionnaire. Each 60-minute session will be logged and saved for both client and trainer to view; a basic supporting gym programme will be provided for you to follow during your own gym time.
Personal Training 1-1 sessions do not include coaching/nutrition plans/weekly check ins. Sessions must be booked in advance. Please contact:
Supervised Junior Gym Sessions
Price: Tuesday evenings 18:00 – 19:00 for children aged 12- 15 years
Price: included in Junior membership or £3.50 per session (non-member)
Do you know a student aged between 12 – 15 years who would like to take the first step in their fitness journey? We are pleased to announce we will be launching a supervised gym session to this age band to provide gym use to our junior members and equip them with full inductions/direction for their training. As well as being gym instructor qualified, our Fitness Manager and Duty Managers who supervise these sessions have current DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) clearance, First Aid Certificate and Safeguarding award.
*Junior memberships are available at £7.50 per month. If you are a current Junior member you will be able to make use of the gym session included in your membership fee. A reminder 12-15 year olds are not permitted to use the gym without supervision during any other times.