• In case of a membership being terminated, it shall be the sole discretion of the Management whether or not, part or any of the membership fee is refundable.
  • Annual memberships will run for a period of 12 months from the date of commencement and will automatically cease at the end of the term, unless the choice is made to renew it. No refunds can be given if you terminate your membership before the expiry date.
  • Monthly membership will run for one full calendar month and will automatically continue at the at the end of the initial term. Fees are paid in advance at the beginning of every monthly direct debit. After the initial term, you can end your membership by giving us one full calendar months notice. You must pay your full membership rate during your months notice. You can give notice in person at reception, by calling the centre on 01728 727223 or email .
  • The non payment of a direct debit will automatically render your membership invalid and you will be charged a fee of £25.

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